Causes of female infertility
Other Possible Causes
Available treatment options
Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)
In vitro fertilisation (IVF) and embryo transfer (ET)
Psychosocial health of women with infertility
Infertility affects the mental health of women
Infertility and Stigma
In Ghana, 64% of 615 women with fertility problems studied were stigmatized (Donkor and Sandall, 2007). The harmful effects of stigma include (Mayoclinic.com, 2007);
Coping Behaviors for Infertility
Coping with infertility can be very difficult. Many women struggle with issues of stigma, which is usually the main reason for not seeking help. Using any of the bad coping behaviors below can cause women to be more anxious and depressed.
Bad coping behaviors
Healthy coping behaviors
Causes of male infertility
Available Treatment
Infertility affects the mental health of Ghanaian men because of the following (Naab, 2010)
Male Infertility and Stigma
Infertility affects men and they also suffer the stigma of being infertile. Just as in women the harmful effects of stigma include (Mayoclinic.com, 2007):
Coping Behaviors for Infertility
Coping with infertility can be very difficult. Many men struggle with issues of stigma, which is usually the main reason for not seeking help. Using bad coping behaviors can also cause men to be more anxious and depressed.
Bad coping behaviors (Naab, 2010)
Healthy coping behaviors for men